Dubai Lights

To generate buzz and drive visitor traffic, Visit Dubai (under the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism) partnered with Light Art Collection to develop interactive, site-specific light art experiences for the first-ever Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF). Our challenge: what can light art add to an already dazzling city known for its glitz and glamour?

We kicked off a three-year agreement with DSF in a consulting capacity, beginning with a deep dive into our partners’ vision, mindset, considerations, and goals. Then we imagined possibilities, gathered imagery, and lighted the spark of inspiration needed to jumpstart the curatorial process.

Commercial goals, artistic value

Thinking conceptually and visually alongside our partners, we collaborate with them closely to create the right atmosphere and supply the right artwork for each location. Managing multiple stakeholders in a complex organisation, we help our partners achieve commercial goals with the highest artistic value.

Is the goal to set up one light art installation showstopper for which the crowd will drive that extra round to take a mesmerising photo that will spice up their social media feed? Through high-quality placemaking, Light Art Collection can make it work. We pride ourselves to put quality over quantity in reaching the partner’s goal to set up a positive impact for the community.

A great example of positive impact is the inflatable light installation The Anooki by French designers Moetu Batlle and David Passegand, two figures who ‘spread a message of sustainability and the need to protect our planet’, according to the Observer Dubai. ‘Their arrival [The Anooki] in Dubai could not be better timed, following the world’s biggest environment summit, COP28 and as the UAE Year of Sustainability comes to a close.’

Bright lights, bold ambitions

DSF features seven weeks of daily deals, special sales, giveaways, outdoor markets and spectacular entertainment. It is one of the many events, activations, and promotions organised by the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism to highlight Dubai as a world-class destination for millions of travellers.

The varied topography of Dubai— from desert to tides to wind-swept landscapes—also poses an extra layer of complexity, which our experienced production team is able to handle with success.

Elevating light art from background decoration for a shopping frenzy to mounting an artistic exhibition of the highest caliber, we are proud to bring artistic value to the overall DSF experience. The future looks bright for the DSF, and we are excited to be part of it.



Dubai Lights

Our contribution


Artworks on Display 2021-2022

Artworks on Display 2022-2023

Artworks on display 2023-2024

The Anooki - Moetu Batlle & David Passegand
Editions: Apparition - Best Friend - Poursuite - Recreation



© DSF, Dubai Lights
© Amanda Kool, Light Art Collection