On the Wings of Freedom

A group of radiant butterflies, that hovers with hundreds at a time in a flight upwards. On the Wings of Freedom is about the impressive way technology changes us as a society and how little we think about it.

On the Wings of Freedom is also about the transformation of our city. The butterflies are an advice from the artists: keep that change going, it is what cities are all about. It is said that one butterfly can cause a storm. Let’s hope that all these butterflies together create a hurricane of light and creativity.

About the artist

Aether & Hemera is a multi-disciplinary art and design studio, producing work that lies at the intersections of contemporary installation, lighting art and interaction design. Founded in 2008 by Gloria Ronchi and Claudio Benghi, the collective often utilises the medium of light combined with digital media to create engaging spaces that connect people with their environment.

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© Valentine Experience, Göteborg & Co
© Janus van der Eijnden