40 Hexahedron

40 Hexahedron is a modular, interactive light and sound installation with 40 white plexiglass cubes of 1 x 1 meter that turn on and off in sync with sound creations. In this way, the installation composes a visual and acoustical symphony in which the form is ever changing. Observing this eloquent work the audience will be impressed by the permutations of time and space, as well as by the varied aspects of multimedia art.

About the artist

Mad Rhizome artist Pierre Ranzini lives and works in Paris as a photographer, painter, videographer, performer, installer and musician; frequently mixing these different disciplines in his work. His artistic research is organized around the various possibilities of the formation of reality, through which he recently has developed new multimedia technologies. With proven experience in blending technology with art and anthropology with events, Ranzini activates and manipulates the know-how of his artistic network to meet all expectations in various interactive and multidisciplinary installations.

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© HK Pulse Light Festival